SEO: Your path to digital success

seo web developer working at laptop living room

Search engine optimisation. I often get asked if I offer SEO as part of my services and the answer is yes and no. There are three components to SEO – they are technical, content and link building. The most important one of these is content. I don’t offer copywriting as part of my packages (although I can recommend copywriters for you to use) and require content to be supplied before the build. In that regard, SEO is out of my hands. However, I will set up your website so that it is performing technically as well as it can for search engines.

In this post, I’ll break down all of the aspects of SEO which contribute to making your website perform well.



I ensure all of your pages have appropriate page titles, meta descriptions and headers. Meta titles provide a brief description of a web page’s content and purpose, displayed on search engine results pages. Compelling meta titles and descriptions that entice users to click through to your site. A well-optimised meta can significantly impact click-through rates!

H tags

H tags (H1, H2, H3, etc.) provide a clear hierarchy to your content, helping search engines understand the structure and relevance of your information. Properly using H tags can improve your website’s SEO and boost search rankings and this is something I focus on when structuring your site.

SEO-friendly URLs

I ensure we use clean and concise URLs that describe your page’s content, making it easier for search engines and users to understand your website’s structure.

An SSL certificate on your site is a must – Google rewards SSL-secured websites with higher search rankings (not to mention it instills trust in your audience).

Speedy loading time

Your website load time comes down to multiple factors – optimised images, lean plugins, and most importantly, your web host has a lot to do with this. When I build sites I optimise images before uploading them and then further compress them with a plugin. I also recommend using WP Rocket which is a caching plugin to further speed up your site. Pro tip: ensure you reduce the size of your image files before you upload them. As a rule of thumb, make sure they’re smaller than 500kb.

Ensure it’s responsive

Mobile-optimised websites provide a seamless and user-friendly experience to visitors accessing your site from smartphones and tablets. Pages load faster, and content is easy to read and navigate, leading to higher user satisfaction and reduced bounce rates. Search engines like Google prioritise websites that offer a positive user experience, contributing to better SEO rankings. All of the sites I design are designed first for desktop and then optimised for seamless performance on mobile and tablet.


High-quality and engaging content is the crown jewel of SEO. By createing valuable content that educates, entertains, and connects with your audience, you ensure Google loves the content but also position yourself as an expert.

An easy way to provide engaging content is to include a blog on your site. Consider what your target audience would be searching for and regularly upload quality content on those topics. This ensures you become an authority and more likely to show up in search results.

Link Building

Backlinks are links from external websites that point to your site. They act as “votes of confidence” for your content, indicating to search engines that your website is reputable and valuable. Google considers backlinks as a crucial ranking factor. Quality backlinks from authoritative and relevant sites can significantly improve your website’s authority and credibility in search results.

Below are some ways you can attempt to gain more backlinks to your site:

Create High-Quality Content

Develop valuable and shareable content that stands out in your industry. Informative blog posts, research reports, infographics, and how-to guides attract attention from other websites, increasing the chances of them linking back to your content.

Guest Blogging

Offer to write guest posts for reputable websites within your niche. By contributing valuable content, you can earn a backlink to your site in the author bio or within the article.

Build Relationships

Connect with influencers, bloggers, and industry experts. Engage with their content, share their posts, and provide value to their audience. Building strong relationships can lead to organic backlinks as they may reciprocate the support.

Partnerships and Collaborations

Collaborate with other businesses or organizations on joint projects, events, or initiatives. These partnerships can lead to backlinks from their websites.

Create Linkable Assets

Develop valuable resources such as free tools, templates, or guides that others in your industry would find useful. Share these assets with your target audience, and they may link back to them as a valuable resource.

Submit to Directories

List your business in relevant industry directories and local directories. While some directories may have no-follow links, they can still drive referral traffic and boost your online presence.

Public Relations and Media Coverage

Seek media coverage, press mentions, and interviews. Media outlets and journalists may link back to your website as a reference in their articles.

Broken Link Building

Find broken links on other websites within your industry and offer your content as a replacement. This approach provides value to the website owner while earning you a backlink.

Participate in Community and Forums

Engage in online forums, discussion boards, and community platforms related to your industry. Provide helpful insights and link back to relevant content when appropriate.

Social Media Promotion

Share your content on social media platforms to increase visibility. If your content is valuable and shareable, it may attract backlinks from social media users.